Player Characters

Name: Jebbo Wugz
Class: Operative - Ruffian
Background: Crimelord
Race: Toydarian
Gender: Male
Age: 53
Height: 4'3"
Weight: 56lbs
Hair: Bald
Eye Color: Brownish Green
Skin Tone: Green and Yellow

Jebbo has big eyes, a heavy brow, a broken tusk, and strong body odor. He wears an out of style sports coat, a derby hat, and a white ornate ring.

Personality Traits:
Four times married, four times divorced. Jebbo Wugz is a grumpy, greedy, fast-talking, bull-shitting salesman who is friendly to outsiders only when there is money to be made. He is a classic stingy penny-pincher but when a good opportunity presents itself, he takes big risks when there could be a large return on investment.

From Jebbo's Player:

"Let’s face it. You’ve never really trusted a salesman.  Granted, who would feel comfortable around a person whose own benefit is wholly incentivized by persuading you of something?

Jebbo Wugz certainly hasn’t sold you on rethinking that position anyway.  In his friendly way, this fast-talking Toydarian almost had you convinced yesterday about chipping in a few hard-earned credits to give the ol’ Angel an aftermarket pinstripe.  It wouldn’t be a surprise if half the reason those little wings can keep him afloat is the hot air he’s filled with.

A big-eyed, heavy-browed, pudgy bug of 53 years, Jebbo isn't exactly easy on the eyes.  Or nose for that matter, unless you enjoy notes of breath mint softening halitosis.  In times of formality, he fashions a sports coat and derby hat which have faithfully served him for 15 years you guess.  A bit out of place is an ornate, white wooden ring on his left-most finger.   Something married this guy?  No... he must've landed quite a deal to score that.

The Deal.  That is the true currency of the salesman, isn't it?  And in a good deal, both parties come out feeling on top.  That gets your customer coming back too.  Your impression is that this is a parlance Jebbo respects very well, and in that, you can at least find utility, if not comfort.

Or is that just another sell?"


(Portrait coming soon)

Name: Missindi
Class: Operative Saboteur
Background: Smuggler
Race: Cathar
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 215 lbs
Hair: Dirty Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Skin Tone: Tan/Ginger

Appearance: Very tall and lanky, Missindi's fur is a mix of tans, gingers and dirty blonde hair which match her green eyes.

Personality Traits: The best motivation for Missindi is to tell her she can’t do it. Missindi has a tendency to act overconfidently in the face of danger. Luckily, she has the piloting skills to back it up.

From Missindi's Player:

"Nobody suspects anything when you seem like you're in charge."


(Portrait coming soon)

Name: Rallyn
Class: Astrotech Engineer
Background: Scientist
Race: Cerean
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Height: 6'
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eye Color: Yellow
Skin Tone: Pale Tan

Appearance: Rallyn has very long, brown hair that she typically keeps in a braid and wrapped around her tall, coned head creating sort of a beehive look. She has yellow eyes and prefers to wear her light armor at all times.

Personality Traits: Rallyn is terrified of piloting, which is why she has been close friends with Missindi for years. She is socially awkward and has a difficult time making eye contact. When things get dicey, she has a tendency to crack under pressure.

From Rallyn's Player:

"I hate blue milk."


(Portrait coming soon)

Name: Cerk'ater'rordett (Katerr)
Class: Scholar Physician
Race: Chiss
Gender: Female
Age: 39
Height: 178cm
Weight: 61kg
Hair: Black
Eye Color: Red
Skin Tone: Blue

Appearance: Katerr has dark black hair pulled back severely, glowing red eyes and blue skin, giving her a haughty, almost aristocratic look.

Personality Traits: Katerr speaks slower but with purpose and a slight accent. She has a no-nonsense to-the-point manner about her, but every once in a while will crack a joke and maybe even a smile.

From Katerr's Player:

"There is no Chiss equivalent of the Hippocratic oath."


(Portrait coming soon)

Name: Traxim Kallos
Class: Forceblade Sentinel
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 185 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Tone: Light

Appearance: Brown hair, blue eyes, and conventionally handsome, Traxim dons many disguises and costumes, depending on what the job calls for. If he knows he might be in for a fight, he can be found in his dark-colored battle armor with a hooded cloak and operators mask. In his leisure time, he can be found relaxing and wearing a long leather coat.

Personality Traits:  Traxim changes his personality to fit the situation when dealing with strangers, but to his inner circle, the crew of the Ashen Angel, He's competitive, fun-loving, addicted to re-runs on the holo-net and is in an endless prank war with Missindi.

From Traxim's Player:

"Let's make-ah a deal!" (Imitating Jebbo Wugz perfectly)

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